How Soon Should You Holiday with a New Partner

There is nothing more amazing than being in a relationship that is just getting started. But when holiday time comes around, it can be hard to know whether or not it is a good idea to take the plunge and head off on a holiday with your new partner. It can make or break a relationship, so think carefully before you decide either way. The following ideas may help make it an easier decision.

The Sooner the Better

The best time in any relationship is always at the start, and while some relationships manage to maintain this level of fun and passion, few do, so you should make the most of it while it lasts. The perfect way to do this is by going away together, finding short-term accommodation with some paradise scenery, and enjoying your blossoming romance. Having these memorable times together early on in your relationship will give you bonding experiences to build on as you move forwards together.

Feel Safe First

Before you head off anywhere remote with anyone, make sure you know them relatively well. That doesn’t mean that you should never accept a tempting offer from an attractive person, just that it is wise to be careful. Until you feel sure about a person, keep the dates local. You would hate to get out to one of those romantic cabins in the woods only to find out that Mr. Nice Guy is actually Mr. Kushal.

A Great Way to Get to Know Each Other

Travelling with a person is a really good way to get to know them. If you think that this could be the right person for you, going on a trip may help you decide whether or not you have much of a future together. It is a good idea not to go on too long a holiday with your new partner, just in case you get halfway into it and it becomes apparent that you are n’t a good match after all.

Not Just Yet

Until you are pretty committed to the idea of being with this person for a while, it might be better to holiday without them, as you may want this time to talk to other friends or family about your new relationship. It can be hard getting time to do this during an average week, so your holidays will be the best time to chat about your new partner without them being there.

Every relationship is different, so before you get swept up in the hype and book 2 tickets to Hawaii, consider whether or not it may be a little too soon for the two of you to be holidaying together. Having said that, don’t keep your partner waiting too long, as they may start to feel left out, and you could be having so much fun together on holidays! Whatever you do, think about it early, as you don’t want to get caught up in an awkward situation.


“हर सुबह तेरी दुनिया में रोशनी कर दे
            रब   तेरे  हर ग़म को खुशी कर  दे
                जब   भी   डूबने   लगे   तेरी   साँसें
                  खुदा तुझमे शामिल मेरी ज़िंदगी कर दे”

“बरसात की हर बूँद में समाए हो तुम
    मेरे दिल में खास जगह बनाए हो तुम
        यूँ तो   हमदर्द  की   कमी   नहीं   है मगर
            न जाने क्यूँ आज बहुत याद आए हो तुम”

“बस एक हाँ के इंतज़ार में रात यूँ ही गुज़र जाएगी
     अब तो बस उलझनें हैं साथ मेरे, नींद कहाँ आएगी
        सुबह की हर किरण न जाने कौन सा संदेशा लाएगी
          रिमझिम सी गुनगुनाएगी या प्यास अधूरी रह जाएगी”

“रोज़ तारों की नुमाइश में ख़लल पड़ता है
       चाँद पागल है, अंधेरों   में निकल पड़ता है
           उनकी याद आई है साँसों में ज़रा धीरे चलो
                 धड़कनो से  भी इबादत  में  ख़लल पड़ता है”

Rishta : Aankhon ka Dil se

Aankhon ki khata,aur sahta hai dil
Phir bhi khamosh rahta hai dil,
Koi shikwa nahi aankhon se use
Qki ye unki "dosti" ka sila hai,
Dil ne ki aankhon ki gutakhiyan maaf
Qki unke beech "dosti" ka silsila hai,
Aankhen bhi nibhati hai "dosti" ka rishta
Aur barasti hai jab dard dil ko hota hai,
Raat ki tanhai mein saath nibhate hain ek-duje ka
Na aankhein soti hai...na dil sota hai,
Isiliye Aankhon ki khata sahta hai Dil
Phir bhi khamosh rahta hai Dil.......

(Valentine's Day)
I can't write much about love stories as my experience is nil in the field. But I do love to hear love stories with happy endings, and my heart loses a beat and says, 'how romantic'. But when I hear stories with sad endings it says 'really pathetic'.

Most of the love stories never have happy endings because of many reasons... like girl's dad in 'bad guy's role', 'religion', 'imported guy', 'Love triangle or pentagon'...and so on.

Step 1: Both girl and boy madly in love

Due to some malfunctioning of both girl's and guy's hearts they will fall in love with each other. They count all the trees in the park, walk the roads holding each other’s hands, eat in restaurants and talk only about love, love and, yeah, love. Even if the guy has no money he will borrow from his friends and take his girl for an ice cream or a movie. He won't mind flicking a 500-rupee note from his dad’s wallet to gift a teddy with 'I love you' message for his girlfriend.

Step 2: Girl's parents not ready to accept her lover boy

Girl says, 'Sweetie, we can’t be together. I don’t want go against my parents. For my two years' love I can't betray my 22 years' love'.
Boy says, 'Don't say that. I can do anything for you... Give me some time to get a job and settle down'.
Girl says, 'Try to understand baby. Time is the thing which I don’t have. But remember this - I will always love you'.
Guy starts crying. Tup tup, the tears fall. He hugs her and says, 'Don’t leave me. Please sugar, I need you'.
Girl wipes his tears and says, 'Don’t cry baby' and then kisses...Humm..on his forehead.
Girl starts walking and guy stands there watching her disappearing figure.

Step 3: Girl gets married

Girl is all excited to marry a guy in the US. She sends invitation to her so-called ex-boyfriend. He sees the invitation, memorizes the venue and date and tears it and dumps it into the dustbin. Girl shops happily for her wedding while guy starts boozing. Guy forces his friends to listen to his 'love story with the sad ending' at least 10 times a day. Guy’s friends curse the girl and booze with the guy and console him with their own failed love affairs.

Step 4: Girl updates honeymoon pics in FB

Girl uploads her happily-smiling wedding pics in Facebook. She doesn't forget to upload her honeymoon pics too with title 'Me with my better half'. Guy sees the pics and says '&*%$#', his friends see the pics and say, 'looks like a big shot, lucky &*%$#'. Guy gets angry and says, 'dude mind your tongue'. Guy’s friends stare at each other.

Step 5: Girl and guy run into each other

Guy stares at her and girl tries to escape his piercing glance.
Guy says, 'How are you?'
Girl says, 'Good, and you?'
'Good. Do you love him?'
'Yes. He is a good man.'
'Are you happy?'
'Very much.'
Guy says to himself, '$#%^& played with my feelings and emotions and now enjoying with the imported guy'. He controls his anger and says, 'I am happy for you. I would go. See you.'
Girl stands there watching the guy's disappearing, Guy back.
Guy thinks, 'She looks like aunty, poor US guy.'

 Step 6 (Last step): Guy gets married

Guy gets married and uploads wedding pics in FB. Girl feels jealous but still comments 'Congrats'. Guy’s wife sees the comment and says, 'Who is this woman?' Guy chuckles and says, 'One of my classmates, she is a big time loser.' Guy thinks, 'Good that I didn’t marry that selfish #$%&'.
If your love story has a happy ending then be happy. If you love story is similar to this, then it's time you move on.

Nevertheless, Happy Valentine's Day!

लहरों से डर कर नौका पार नहीं होती,
कोशिश करने वालों की कभी हार नहीं होती।

नन्हीं चींटी जब दाना लेकर चलती है,
चढ़ती दीवारों पर, सौ बार फिसलती है।

मन का विश्वास रगों में साहस भरता है,
चढ़कर गिरना, गिरकर चढ़ना न अखरता है।

आख़िर उसकी मेहनत बेकार नहीं होती,
कोशिश करने वालों की कभी हार नहीं होती।


“कल तक जो चेहरा मुझसे था अजनबी
बन गया जाने कैसे मेरी ज़िंदगी
बनके लहू नसों में बहने लगा
रूह बनकर ज़िस्म में रहने लगा
हर घड़ी जो ख्वाबों में साथ थी
वो तुम ही तो थी मेरी ज़िंदगी
तेरे साथ चलना है अब उम्र भर
खुशियों की बगिया हो या हो कांटो की डगर
पाकर तुझे झूमने लगी ज़िंदगी
अंधेरी राहों में जैसे हो गयी रोशनी
लेकर बहारें साथ अपने आई हो तुम
होने लगा किस्मत पे अपने यकीन
तेरा साथ मिले हर जन्म ये दुआ है मेरी
तू वजह जीने की, तू ही मेरी ज़िंदगी
अब ना होना मुझसे तू कभी अजनबी
तू एहसास मेरा, तू ही ‘प्रीत’ है मेरी”


हर रंज-ओ-ग़म की दवा है दोस्ती,
तन्हा होते सब, अगर होती न दोस्ती,
कही-अनकही बातों की गवाह है दोस्ती,
दूर रहोगे तो खुशबू बनकर महकेगी दोस्ती,
पास रहोगे तो बातों में चहकेगी दोस्ती,
अरमानो से आगे एक जहाँ है दोस्ती, 
आशाओं के बल पर निराशाओं को हटाना है दोस्ती,
अनजानो से बनता है जो रिश्ता…है दोस्ती,
चमक है जिस रिश्ते की आँखों में…है दोस्ती,
करोगे जिस दिन, पता चलेगा क्या है दोस्ती,
कमी है पूजने वालों की वरना,
इस ज़मीं पर खुदा है दोस्ती…

So Respect this Relationship B'coz this is the Gift of God….